Scott Francis

Stanford University Projects
While earning my Computer Science degree (Bachelor of Science) at Stanford, I worked on a number of class projects. One project that started as a summer job and turned into my senior project, really stood out, and so I've included it here.
Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC) - gnustep

When I was at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), working for Paul Kunz as a coterm, we took on an interesting project to port a great NeXTSTEP statistical plotting application (HippoDraw was the name) to X-Windows. Although the application worked great on NeXT, most high energy physicists at that time used Unix derivations (and X-Windows), not NeXTSTEP. And they were using an application called PAWS which was a character form application (no interactive GUI).

So, we embarked on porting this application. Within a few weeks, we determined that the fastest way to do this would be to mimic the NeXTSTEP AppKit API, which our application depended upon, rather than try to kludge all of our application code to work on two totally different environments. So, in essence, our spoofing of the NeXT AppKit would contain all the multi-platform kludges. Realizing that we had not the manpower nor the funding to pursue a faithful port of the entire AppKit, we decided to make our code available to the public domain, with the support of the Free Software Foundation. This landed us the support of other interested parties who also wanted to write objective-C code that would make X-Windows behave more like their favorite NeXT interfaces. The project became known as gnustep. You can find information about gnustep at:

gnu.gnustep.announce gnu.gnustep.bug

Quite a bit more information is to be found at a site that Adam Fedor maintains:, or at the site. Adam was one of the first contributors to gnustep back in '93-'94, and has become the most prominent voice in the gnustep community.

The source for gnustep is located here.
And there is a good, brief history of the origins of the project here.
I was one of the original anonymous contributors working for Dr. Paul Kunz at SLAC.